(585) 270-4527
Ensuring Quality Control Through Cell-Based Testing

About Us

Our goal is to better differentiate products in the marketplace

Key Cellular Biomarkers for Developing Treatments

 CannaMetrix™ is committed to the development of quantitative methods that determine full and broad spectrum cannabis products’ potencies relative to key cellular biomarkers as means of developing treatments with the greatest health and medical impact.  The company also is interested in applying the same rigor to potency testing to other plant-based or nutritional supplements.  Our goal is to better differentiate products in the marketplace for consumers based on the biologically relevant interactions that critical components in the product have that affect human physiology. 
Batch-to-Batch Consistency

Chemical Testing Alone Cannot Anticipate the Potency of Full Spectrum Products

Other than Cannabinoid and terpene chemical compositional analysis and inferences of
potency therefrom, there has been little to no effort in the industry to validate products for
their actual biological potency using biomarkers within the endocannabinoid system. For the
non-psychotropic cannabinoids and terpenes, percent composition cannot predict how the
human endocannabinoid system will respond to individual purified Cannabinoids and
certainly cannot predict how multiple agonist and antagonist compounds within broad or full
spectrum products might affect patients. The industry needs to adopt the standards
comparable to how drug potency is measured and expressed throughout the pharmaceutical
industry, namely, units of activity per drug concentration (i.e. biological potency) as well as
chemical composition. CannaMetrix™ addresses this unmet need through proprietary human
cell-based potency testing that will establish a new high bar for the industry in Cannabis
products development and product validation.

The Business Model

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Differentiate products by their dose-dependent potency in human cells along defined cannabinoid receptor pathways that better predicts medicinal product indications.

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Transform the medicinal cannabis industry with pharmaceutical standards for product potency validation and for product consistency testing using a novel human cell-based testing that will empower products with competitive market opportunities.

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National and international sales will be based on both fee-for-service testing and through nonexclusive or exclusive licensing agreements for the patent-pending technology.

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Establish exclusive agreements with a strategic partner seeking proprietary methods to calibrate and vet their development of new strains of Cannabis for targeting specific treatments for humans or pets and accelerate regulatory approval.

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Clients Who Drive the Market Opportunity for CannaMetrix™

Producers and patients will pay for product with advanced research and testing because it informs consumer and doctors of choices especially in states and countries where full spectrum products are marketed for medicinal applications.